Spirituality means different things to every human on this planet. Some will say it has nothing to do with religion, others will say you can't have one with out the other.
For me...Spirituality doesn't even necessarily have to have anything to do with god. It's a sense of following your chosen path, walking it with true understanding and meaning and being in touch with yourself.
For me, spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with religion. It has nothing to do with following dogmas and doctrines that may or may not be true in the first place.
Spirituality comes from within. It is said that we are all spiritual beings having a body experience. And for me, spirituality is trying to re-connect with my inner self. Going from the finite to the infinite. Seeing this world for what it is...an illusion.
Someone was telling me recently that I looked so unhappy while I was studying with JWs. Compared to always feeling so at peace while doing yoga and meditation {stuff I had to let go while studying with JWs} And looking back, he was right. I thought I was becoming more spiritual. While in fact, I was slowly losing my spirituality because I was following a religion. I was losing myself in the process...
Anyway, I have no idea if all this makes sense. Spirituality is difficult to explain. At least for me...
Is spirituality separate from religion (as we might defein morality as separate from ethics)?
Does spirituality begin with a thought, or with an experience?
Are the various schools of thought about something unseen (religions) trying to describe the same things? How are these things accessed for direct appreciation?
Does spirituality have to "do" anything beyond exist?